Money Smith(TM)

Current Version

Money Smith Version 3.1
112-Page Professionaly Bound User Manual (soon to be online)
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Money Smith is a full featured double entry accounting system, financial calculator, and investment tracking system for Windows 3.1 and soon for Windows 95 and NT. Money Smith lets you keep track of your finances in one place, and provides excellent graphing and reporting features. Money Smith has won both of the major national shareware industry awards.


New look for Windows 95
Drag and drop accounting files into Money Smith
Simpler install and uninstall
Better support for very large accounting files
Adjustable screen and printer fonts
Variable width interactive reports.
Extended limits- up to 400 accounts.
New reporting and graphing features.
A complete double entry accounting system with arbitrary accounting dates. You can look at just the data you're interested in.
A complete financial calculator.
A graphical toolbar with the most frequent functions on it.
A new completely interactive graphical interface including fully interactive reports and graphs.
Powerful automatic and memorized transactions.
A full suite of Reports and Graphs that change as you update data. Naturally you can print them as well.
Investment support for stocks, mutual funds and securities.
Press and point help - just press the '?' button on the toolbar or the Shift+F1 keys then press the selection you want help on. Complete online and printed documentation.
Easy exporting of graphs and reports to spreadsheets and word processing programs.
International currency and date support using windows control panel international options.
Right mouse button popup menus.
Smart entry fields that let you do simple math right in the field.
Improved printer support including fonts and margins.
Check or transaction style entry.
Completely Windows 3.1 compatible.

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